I Can Turn My Phone Into Computer

Hi, Today I will be showing you the tips to convert my Smartphone ( selected Model ) 
to a basic Google Chrome Laptop is the easiest way. 

In this solution, is suitable for the person who is traveling but without carrying the laptop.
in this setup. you can still do the basic office paperwork like amend your documents. check the email and review the attachment.

the only thing you needs is just : 
All in one Type C Adapter

here are some basic step to setup the portable PC via my smartphone

No1.  Plug the HDMI cable to the Screen 
 No 2. Connect the HDMI Cable to your adapter 

No3. You must have a USB C - HDMI Adapter  
to connect between your phone and the Screen with HDMI port

No4. You can project the Desktop mode to your screen now

No 5. You can install a mouse and keyboard if you USB Type C to HDMI Adapter is some with the USB port. if not. you can just use the phone screen as touchscreen keyboard or mouse pad.  

Picture souse from internet and 
Youtube video : https://youtu.be/aQW8JTAOefs
